
Metabasic rocks were recently found within a ductile shear zone in the north of Shahrekord, being a part of the structural zone of Sanandaj-Sirjan, SW Iran. The rocks give evidence of a so far unrecognized eclogite facies metamorphic event and testify to high pressure metamorphism in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, near the Main Zagros Reverse Fault, which is the assumed suture zone between the Arabian plate and the Iranian block. The eclogites occur as lenses or blocks within ortho- and paragneisses. The petrographic features and reaction textures display at least two main metamorphic stages: (1) a peak eclogite facies stage, and (2) a subsequent amphibolite facies stage. The eclogite facies metamorphism is indicated by omphacite + garnet + sodic-calcic amphiboles (barroisite, magnesiokatophorite and magnesiotaramite) + phengite + rutile + (clino-)zoisite + quartz ± dolomite. The garnets are mainly almandine-rich, which fits with the C-type eclogite classification. Calcic amphiboles (hornblende, tschermakite and pargasite) + plagioclase are secondary phases formed during the retrograde amphibolite-facies metamorphism. P-T estimates for the eclogite facies give pressures of 21–24 kbar and temperatures of 590–630 °C (geothermometry) and 470–520 °C (THERMOCALC), respectively. Geothermobarometry for the amphibolite-facies metamorphism yields 10–11 kbar and 650–700 °C.

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