
The Misener formation is a laterally discontinuous, mixed carbonate-silicilastic unit, comprising dolomite-cemented, quartz-rich arenite, and quartz-bearing dolomite. It reaches a thickness of 60 ft in the West Kremlin field, overlies an unconformity that truncates lower Paleozoic sedimentary strata, and is overlain by the Woodford (black) Shale. Based on petrographic and sedimentary features, it appears to have been deposited in a shallow, tide- and wave-influenced, marine environment. The quartz-rich arenites are fine to very fine grained and well to very well sorted. They contain mostly monocrystalline quartz clasts, very fine grained, well-crystallized dolomite rhombs, and less than 2% K-feldspar. Lithic fragments, which are rare except for chert pebbles in the basal 1-2 cm, include silicified shale, phosphatic shale, and carbonate micrite. Accessory components include glauconite, phosphatic oolites, conodonts, fish scales, and authigenic pyrite. Devonian outcrops of the Ordovician Simpson Sandstone likely supplied most of the quartz detritus. The best porosity is unevenly distributed in the mixed quartz-dolomite layers. Authigenic clay is rare, and quartz overgrowths are well developed but partly replaced by dolomite rhombs. Partial dissolution of the rhombs has formed a secondary porosity with good permeability due to pore-throat enlargement. Dolomite-poor, quartz-rich sandstones are well cemented by quartz overgrowths, and the pores contain abundant authigenic clay. The quartz-bearing dolomite is tight and, near the overlying Woodford Shale, is partly replaced by chert. End_of_Article - Last_Page 283------------

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