
Summary The Sakhakot-Qila complex is an incomplete, dominantly ultramafic ophiolite. The geology, rock and mineral compositions, and occurrences of chromite ore deposits are described. The predominant ultramafic rock types are harzburgite, wehrlite and dunite, and dykes of pyroxenite. The mafic components of the complex are a metamorphosed gabbro and dykes of metadolerite. Postmagmatic alteration is common, and several kinds of rodingite are abundant. They formed by addition of Ca, Al, Cl and Cu and removal of Si, Mg, Fe and Ni from pre-existing rocks, and contain corundum, clintonite and Al-depleted ferritchromite in addition to the more usual minerals such as grossular and vesuvianite. The rodingites appear to have developed independently of serpentinization, probably with the participation of seawater. There are numerous small chromite deposits, varying widely in texture and composition. There is a strong reciprocal Cr-Al variation and lesser Mg-Fe 2+ variation, partly related to the stratigraphic position of the chromite. Nickeliferous opaque mineral assemblages are well developed.

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