
Two groups of rhyolites have been recognized at San Vincenzo (Tuscany, Italy). Group A rhyolites are characterized by plagioclase, quartz, biotite, sanidine and cordierite mineral assemblages. They show constant MgO and variable CaO and Na2O contents. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios in group A samples range between 0.71950 and 0.72535, whereas the Nd isotopic compositions are relatively constant (0.51215–0.51222). Group B rhyolites are characterized by orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene as additional minerals, and show textural, mineralogical and chemical evidence of interaction with more mafic magmas. The Sr and Nd isotopic ratios range between 0.71283–0.71542 and 0.51224–0.51227 respectively. Magmatic inclusions of variable size (1 mm to 10 cm) were found in groups B rhyolites. These inclusions consist mainly of diopsidic clinopyroxene and minor olivine and biotite. They are latitic in composition and represent blobs of hybrid intermediate magmas entrained in the rhyolitic melts. These magmatic inclusions have relatively high Sr contents (996–1529 ppm) and Sr and Nd isotope-ratios of 0.70807–0.70830 and 0.51245–0.51252 respectively.87Sr/87Sr data on minerals separated from both group A and B rhyolites and magmatic inclusions reveal strong isotopic disequilibria due to the presence of both restitic and newly crystallized phases in group A rhyolites and due to interaction of rhyolites with a mantle-de-rived magma in group B rhyolites. Isotopic data on whole rocks and minerals allow us to interpret the group A rhyolites as representative of different degrees of melting of an isotopically fairly homogeneous pelitic source; conversely, group B rhyolites underwent interactions with a mantle-derived magma. The crustal source as inferred from isotopic systematics would be characterized by87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd ratios close to 0.7194 and 0.51216 respectively. The sub-crustal magma would have Sr isotopic composition close to 0.7077 and a143Nd/144Nd ratio greater than or equal to 0.51252. These isotopic features are different from those reported for the parental magmas postulated for Vulsini and Alban Hills in the nearby Roman Magmatic Province, and are similar to those of the Vesuvius and Ischia magmas.

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