
A suite of ultramafic xenoliths 2–10 cm in size occurs in basanite near Papeete, Tahiti, and consists of spinel lherzolites with minor dunites and wehrlites. Petrographic examination of xenoliths reveals that they are typically coarse grained with well-developed annealed textures. Microprobe analyses of constituent minerals in 11 xenoliths indicate that bulk compositions of xenoliths are magnesian but with significant variability from xenolith to xenolith especially in Fe/Mg and Cr/Al ratios and in absolute amounts of Al 2O 3 and Cr 2O 3. Within any single xenolith, however, coexisting minerals are homogeneous and appear to be compositionally equilibrated. Geothermometry of coexisting orthopyroxene and augite indicates temperatures of equilibration of about 1100°C but there is considerable uncertainty in this estimate due to significant non-quadrilateral pyroxene substitutions. There is no accurate way to determine pressures, but the ubiquity of Cr-poor spinel and absence of garnet imply pressures less than about 15–20 kbar. The margins of most xenoliths show significant alteration through reaction with enclosing alkaline magma. Principal reaction features include zoning of spinels and olivines toward compositions in equilibrium with the magma, and reaction-melting of orthopyroxene to a symplectite of olivine plus silica-rich glass. Glass composition profiles across the symplectites indicate that alkalis, titanium and aluminum diffused into the symplectite from the magma and that silica diffused into the magma. All glass analyses show very low iron, magnesium and calcium. Xenolith mineral assemblages and chemistry indicate their origin in the upper mantle at relatively shallow depths. They are therefore not related genetically to the enclosing basanite magma which came from deeper in the mantle, but rather are accidental fragments of country rock picked up by magma on its way to the surface. The details of the reaction features strongly imply that the magma had partially crystallized by the time it reacted with xenoliths, possibly while still in the mantle.

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