
Basalts from a section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the active volcanic island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic have been analysed to investigate the influence of the mantle plume on the geochemistry of basalts being erupted at the spreading center. Although petrographically the rocks show only limited variation, two basaltic types were determined to be erupting in this region based on their major, trace and REE compositions. One group shows depletion in the incompatible and LRE elements, and can be characterised as N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts. The second group shows “enriched” geochemical characteristics and is similar to T-type MORBs. Mixing hyperbolae for the incompatible element and REE ratios suggest that extensive mixing of an end-member, characteristic of a plume region with an end-member of normal depleted MORB, canaccount for the occurrence of the T-type MORBs in this region.Based on the nature and development of the Tristan da Cunha mantle plume over the past 100 Ma, a composite model of evolution is suggested,in which a ridge-centered hotspot progressed to a near ridge hotspot, and finally to a totally intraplate situation. The fact that Tristan da Cunha is highly alkalic now, but that an irregular geochemical anomalyis also present on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at this latitude would suggest an intermediate stage between the near-ridge and totally intraplate situation. This model leads to the conclusion that, as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge migrated away from the Tristan hotspot, a preferential sublithospheric flow towards the Ridge was established. This discontinuous feature can explain the geochemical variations seen along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by providing a mechanism for mixing of a depleted N-type MORB component with an enriched component originating through processes active at the Tristan da Cunha mantle plume.

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