
The generation of hydrocarbons in source rocks can lead to overpressure, which can support development of detachments and the deformation of sedimentary rocks. In turn, the deformation of rock units by e.g., large-scale overthrusting can lead to tectonic-driven burial. Tectonic-driven burial can generate overpressure, which in turn can influence the petroleum system. In fold-thrust belts, an integrated understanding of both, the tectonic and the petroleum systems is important for understanding the potentially complex interaction of faulting, folding and fluid geochemistry. This study combines structural restoration and basin-modeling techniques to provide a comprehensive view of the fold-thrust system offshore northwest Borneo.In the deepwater region offshore northwest Borneo a major fold-thrust belt is present. The thrust belt is characterized by a mix of gravity-driven folding and faulting in a southwestern domain, and deep-seated crustal deformation in a northeastern domain. Oil and gas preferentially accumulated in thrust-top anticlines. The NW Borneo fold-thrust belt has a low taper angle; likely related to fluid overpressure along the basal detachment. The basin models presented in this study are based on an integration of regional 3D seismic-reflection interpretation, borehole analysis and 2D kinematic restoration. 2D petroleum systems modeling shows oil and gas generation and expulsion from Middle Miocene coaly source rocks since the Late Miocene, migration of the hydrocarbons through carrier beds and faults, and the accumulation of oil and gas in thrust-hangingwall anticlines. Vertical gas leaks modeled are comparable with gas clouds observed on 3D seismic-reflection data. The risk of biodegradation was estimated for reservoirs shallower than 1000–1500 m, and their burial is influenced by uplift due to thrusting. Combined tectonic and thermal modeling of the fold-thrust belt indicates the initiation of shortening at the time when the maturation of the source rock at the basal detachment was within the oil window. The timing of the maximum shortening rate, however, exhibits regional variations across the fold-thrust belt. In the gravity-driven fold thrust system in the southwest, the primary control on the peak of shortening is the maturation of the source rock at basal detachment level (gas window). In contrast, the peak of shortening in the northeast with the deep-seated crustal-driven system is interpreted as being primarily controled by the intensity and timing of the external stress.

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