
Carbon Capture and Geological Storage (CCS) may play a significant role in mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper presents an overview of a recent collaborative effort between the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) to develop guidelines for accounting and reporting of GHG emission reductions from CCS projects. The focus of the CCS guidelines is on specific technical considerations and the assessment of project emission reductions over the entire CCS chain – capture, transport, injection and storage. The guidelines address potential baseline candidates and scenario assessment, potential emission sources, and monitoring considerations. Case studies for potential applications are provided to demonstrate the application of emission reduction principles. Key messages include: • Growing industry experience with CCS can be used to develop an overall approach to managing geological storage and reducing the risk of unintended physical leakage. Comprehensive examination of possible sites, with appropriate site selection for geological storage, as well as operation and monitoring, are all components of a risk management approach. • Good practices in monitoring are especially important for CCS to be a safe and secure GHG emission reduction option. • Monitoring should be based on a site-specific risk assessment, with monitoring methods appropriate for the identified risks and to assure the long-term environmental integrity of the storage formation. Oil industry experience and expertise provide confidence in CCS as an effective GHG emission mitigation option. Through these guidelines, API and IPIECA aim to assist the petroleum industry in identifying, assessing, and developing CCS projects with the potential for producing credible GHG emission reductions.

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