
Petroleum production in Europe outside the Soviet zone increased 11.3% in 1960 over 1959, to a rate of 286,000 b/d. The greatest rate of increase, 65.2%, was in Yugoslavia, where two large fields found in previous years were put on production. There were also substantial increases in France and Italy, and the production decline of the previous year in Austria was arrested. In Austria oil was found for the first time in the Mesozoic floor of the Vienna basin in the Aderklaa field, and gas was found in the Jurassic in the Zwerndorf field. Natural gas production in Austria increased 30% with the completion of new distribution facilities. In France natural gas production increased 226% with the completion of development of the deep Lacq gas reservoir. A new drilling depth rec rd for France of 17,585 ft. was made in the southern Aquitaine basin. In Germany exploratory drilling continued to decline, but the average depth of wildcats increased due to the greater number of deep tests drilled to the Permian and older formations. There were 9 oil and 3 gas discoveries, and an important new-pool discovery on an older producing structure. Oil was found for the first time in the Mesozoic floor of the Molasse basin near the Lake of Constance in southwest Germany, giving impetus to additional exploratory work in adjacent parts of both Germany and Switzerland. A new depth record for Germany of 15,836 ft. was made. In Italy offshore drilling commenced in the Adriatic Sea, on trend with the Po basin gas fields, and an important discovery of gas was made at Ravenna mare. A as-condensate discovery was made in northeastern Sicily. In The Netherlands production in the western part of the country exceeded for the first time that from the Schoonebeek field in the east. Additional exploratory drilling for gas in the northeastern Netherlands resulted in the discovery of what appears to be a large gas reserve in Lower Permian continental sandstones An important discovery was reported near Novska in the Drava valley, Yugoslavia. There was active but so far unsuccessful exploratory drilling in Switzerland, Spain, and European Turkey, but reduced activity in Portugal and Denmark. Exploration started for the first time in Belgium, Eire, and Spitsbergen, and there was increased activity in Greece, with a resumption of drilling.

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