
Petroleum production in the Middle East countries in 1958 totalled 1,559,533,000 bbls., an average of 4,272,884 b/d. This is comparable with a total production of 1,293,399,000 bbls. in 1957--an average of 3,670,432 b/d. Production in Pakistan in 1958 totalled 2,271,379 bbls., an average of 6,209 b/d. This compares with a total production of 2,205,000 bbls. in 1957, an average of 6,041 b/d. Production in India during 1958 is estimated to have totalled 3,102,500 bbls., an average of 8,500 b/d. During 1958 important new concessions were granted by Iran--notably in the offshore area near the head of the Persian Gulf--and by the Ruler of Kuwait in the offshore area of the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone. Two concessions were cancelled during 1958--one in Syria and one in Iraq. Exploratory effort remained generally high during the year under review. Exceptions were Israel and the Yemen where a decrease in effort was noted. Two exploratory wells rated as indicated discoveries in Saudi Arabia during 1957 were officially completed during 1958. An indicated discovery of potential importance was made in the Abu Dhabi offshore area of the Trucial Coast. A discovery was recorded in northern Kuwait. An indicated gas discovery was made in the northern Negev, Israel. Two small oil discoveries were made in Turkey. Expansion of production facilities was planned or underway in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and in the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone.

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