
AbstractThe 3.6 Ma old and 18 km diameter El'gygytgyn impact structure in NE Siberia was drilled in 2008/09 by ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program). A 517 m long core hole (D1c) was drilled into the outer flank of the central uplift structure, with an overall core recovery of approximately 63%. Thereby, approximately 315 m lake sediments and approximately 202 m impactites were recovered. Here, we present a detailed petrographic and geochemical assessment of the impact breccia and bedrock sections in this core. The 97 m long lower bedrock unit (517–420 m below lake floor [blf]) consists of an ignimbrite. In the overlying upper bedrock unit (420–390 mblf), the core recovered a sequence of similar ignimbrite and several decimeters of mafic rocks. We interpret these units as rocks that are located close to their former, preimpact position, but have been somewhat rotated due to collapse of the central uplift (i.e., it represents parautochthonous basement). From about 390 to 328 mblf occurs a suevite package with an impact melt poor, clast‐dominated matrix, and lithic and mineral clasts that cover the entire range of volcanic target rocks known from the El'gygytgyn region. All stages of shock metamorphism (unshocked to melted) were observed in clasts, and in microclasts of the matrix, of suevite from different depths. Immediately below this package, at the contact to the underlying bedrock, occurs a 1 m wide sheared zone within vitrophyric ignimbrite, which we consider the actual crater floor. The uppermost approximately 12 m, from 328–316 mblf depth, seem to comprise reworked suevite, consisting of a mixture of sediments and suevite with more and, on average, stronger shocked minerals than found in the main suevite unit. This includes a small component of glassy spherules and impact melt fragments. Toward the top of this unit, lake sediments progressively become the dominant material in this section. We assume that this unit contains a fallback component from the ejecta plume that was mixed with the first sediments of the postimpact crater lake, and possibly some rocks that slumped off the inner crater wall—similar to a thin layer at the base of the sediment section of borehole LB‐5A recovered in Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana).

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