
Petrogeochemical investigations at the Sahlabad region have revealed that epigenetic listvenite veins occur in sheared zones of metaophiolitic suites of Cretaceous age. The listvenite mineralization developed in three forms, namely (1) the silica-listvenite veins which are chiefly composed of chalcedony, opal, quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite, serpentine and relicts of chrome spinels, magnetite and fuchsite; (2) the carbonate listvenite veins which are comprised principally of magnesite, dolomite, calcite, siderite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, serpentine and relicts of fuchsite, chrome spinels and magnetite; and (3) the silica-carbonate listvenite veins which include opal, quartz, dolomite, magnesite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, serpentine and relicts of chrome spinels and magnetite. The absence of mineralized granitoids and the frequent occurrences of clearcut non-metamorphosed veins indicate that the mineralizing fluids were rich in CO2, H2O, H2S and H4SiO4 and possibly formed as a result of metamorphic dehydration and decarbonation reactions of the oceanic crust at the amphibolite–greenschist facies. Geochemically, the listvenites are enriched in SiO2, MgO, CaO, CO2, LOI, Cr, Ni, Co, Au, Cu, Ag, Hg, and Pt. Also, the veins contain high values of LOI, indicating the H2O–CO2-rich metamorphogenic fluids. The high Cr content and detectable values of K2O, Al2O3 and Na2O in the listvenite veins possibly indicate the presence of fuchsite and chrome spinels. The geochemical signatures attest that the hydrothermal fluids probably derived from a metamorphosed ultramafic protolith. The maximum values for gold, copper, mercury and silver in the listvenites are about 1.9ppm, 5.4 %, 8ppm and 6.5ppm, respectively and provide a unique exploration guide for further gossan sampling, remote sensing mapping, isotopic and fluid inclusion studies in the Iranian metaophiolites.

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