
Hornblende-bearing basanites and alkali basalts from the Rhön area of Germany (part of the Central European Volcanic Province; CEVP) have high TiO2 (3–4 wt %), moderately high Mg# (mostly >0·50), variable Cr (400–30 ppm) and Ni (160–20 ppm) abundances, and are enriched in incompatible trace elements and rare earth elements (REE). In primitive mantle-normalized multi-element diagrams they show a strong depletion in Ba, Rb, and K relative to trace elements of similar incompatibility. Some alkali basalts and more differentiated rocks have lower Mg# and lower abundances of Ni and Cr, and have undergone fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, Fe–Ti oxides and amphibole. The trace element constraints (e.g. low Nb/U and Ce/Pb and the Nd–Sr–Pb isotope compositions of some basalts) indicate that assimilation of lower crustal material has modified the composition of the primary mantle-derived magmas. Most of the basanites and alkali basalts approach the Sr–Nd–Pb isotope compositions inferred for the EAR (European Asthenospheric Reservoir) component. Variations in REE abundances and correlations between REE ratios suggest partial melting of amphibole-bearing spinel peridotite containing a significant portion of non-peridotitic material (i.e. pyroxenite). The presence of residual amphibole, indicated by depletion of K and Rb relative to Ba and Nb, requires melting close to the asthenosphere–lithosphere boundary or within the lithospheric mantle, most probably of a veined mantle source. Temperature and pressure estimates indicate a depth of melting for the most primitive lavas at ∼80 km at temperatures of ∼1290°C. Based on Sr–Nd isotope and trace element constraints it is proposed that asthenospheric melts similar in composition to EAR melts observed elsewhere in the CEVP froze at the asthenosphere–lithosphere thermal boundary as veins in the lithospheric mantle. These veins were remelted after only short storage times by ascending asthenospheric melts, imposing the prominent amphibole signature upon the basalts. The fairly radiogenic Pb isotope signatures are expected to originate from melting of enriched, low melting temperature components incorporated in the depleted upper (asthenospheric) mantle and therefore do not require upwelling of deep-seated mantle sources for the Rhön or many other continental alkaline lavas with similar Pb isotope signatures.

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