
The Ediacaran Campo Alegre-Corupá Basin in South Brazil developed in two stages, the synorogenic passive rift (Basin Stage ∼605–590 Ma) and the post-collisional caldera volcano (Caldera Stage ∼583–577 Ma), respectively. Volcanic rocks from the Basin Stage show a bimodal compositional spectrum with dominant basalt and subordinate silicic rocks. The basaltic rocks are transitional to mildly alkaline, exhibiting Ocean Island Basalt-like (OIB-like) trace element enrichment patterns, with depletion in Nb and Ta, however, and crustal-like Sr-Nd isotopic signatures, suggesting that they were derived from low degrees (∼5%) of partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle source. The silicic rocks are transitional to mildly alkaline trachydacites associated with subordinate rhyolites, exhibiting trace element compositions typical of A2-type granitoids, produced by fractional crystallization of the coeval basalts in the Moho. Volcanic rocks from the Caldera Stage are constituted mainly by alkaline trachytes and rhyolites, occurring primarily as pyroclastic sequences coupled to minor effusive lava flows and domes, also exhibiting trace element compositions typical of A2-type granitoids. They are associated with subordinated effusive transitional to mildly alkaline basalts with Island Arc Basalt-like (IAB-like) trace element signatures. Compared to the Basin Stage, the basalts from the Caldera Stage result from higher degrees (∼15 %) of partial melting of possibly the same enriched lithospheric-mantle sources during the lithospheric root collapse of a cratonic terrane. The silicic rocks from the Caldera Stage are also derived from the coeval basalts by fractional crystallization in the Moho. However, an additional stage of differentiation in the upper crust is required to explain their silica-enriched compositions and eruptive styles. Results from this study support a connection between the silicic volcanic rocks from the Caldera Stage and the plutonic bodies from the nearby A-type Graciosa Province. Lu-Hf isotopes from detrital zircon suggest an Andean arc-type tectonic setting during the Paleoproterozoic (∼2,185 Ma) history of the Luis Alves Terrane (LAT) basement. This tectonic setting was responsible for the arc-like signatures of the intraplate lithospheric-derived rocks of both bimodal volcanic sequences. Crustal-like Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic characteristics result from a protracted isotope evolution of their enriched mantle sources, and each tectono-magmatic stage results from a different extensional setting, which has implications for the metacratonization of the LAT.

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