
The Satpura Gondwana basin hosts a ∼5 km thick siliciclastic succession that unconformably overlies the Precambrian basement. The Gondwana sequence in this basin starts from Early Permian (Talchir Formation) to Lower Cretaceous (Jabalpur Formation). The aim of this study is to (1) identify the source rock (provenance) for Early Triassic Pachmarhi sediments in the Satpura Gondwana succession and (2) to understand the relative role of tectonics and climate in determining the sandstone composition. These sandstones are medium to coarse-grained, moderately to moderately well sorted, subangular to subrounded, of moderate sphericity, and composed of several varieties of quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, and micas. Petrographically, the Pachmarhi sandstones are mostly quartzarenite and subarkose. The petrofacies in Qt–F–L and Qm–F–Lt triangular diagrams show that the bulk of the Pachmarhi was derived from continental (cratonic) source, especially from craton interior. Petrofacies, together with paleocurrent data, suggest that Pachmarhi Formation was deposited by a network of braided river system, which flowed dominantly from southeast to northwest. The study suggests that the sediments were mostly derived from Precambrian granites, gneiss, and metasedimentary basement rocks straddling the southern margin of the basin. Paleocurrent data also corroborates this contention.

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