
Petrography, mineral and bulk chemistry of upper mantle-derived eclogites (garnet and clinopyroxene) from the Koidu Kimberlite Complex, Sierra Leone, are presented in the first comprehensive study of these xenoliths from West Africa. Although peridotite-suite xenoliths are generally more common in kimberlites, the upper mantle sample preserved in Pipe Number 1 at Koidu is exclusively eclogitic, making this the fifth locality in which eclogite is the sole polymineralic xenolith in kimberlite. Over 2000 xenoliths were collected, of which 47 are described in detail that include diamond, graphite, kyanite, corundum, quartz after coesite, and amphibole eclogites. Grossular-pyrope-almandine garnets are chromium-poor (<0.72 wt% Cr2O3) and fall into two distinct groups based on magnesium content. High-MgO garnets have an average composition of Pyr67Alm22Gross11, low-MgO garnets are grossular- and almandine-rich with an average composition of Gross34Pyr33Alm33. Clinopyroxenes are omphacitic with a range in jadeite contents from 7.7 to 70.1 mol%. Three eclogites contain zoned and mantled garnets with almandine-rich cores and pyrope-rich rims, and zoned clinopyroxenes with diopside-rich cores and jadeite-rich rims, and are among a very rare group of eclogites reported on a world-wide basis. The bulk compositions of eclogites have ranges comparable to that of basalts. High-MgO eclogites (16–20 wt% MgO) have close chemical affinities to picrites, whereas low-MgO eclogites (6–13 wt% MgO) are similar to alkali basalts. High-MgO eclogites contain high-MgO garnets and jadeiterich clinopyroxenes. Low-MgO eclogites contain low-MgO garnets, diopside and omphacite, and the group of primary accessory phases (diamond, graphite, quartz after coesite, kyanite, and corundum); grospydites are peraluminous. Estimated temperatures and pressures of equilibration of diamond-bearing eclogites, using the diamond-graphite stability curve and the Ellis and Green (1979) geothermometer, are 1031°–1363° C at 45–50 kb.K D values of Fe-Mg in garnet and clinopyroxene range from 2.3 to 12.2. Diamonds in eclogites are green, yellow, and clear, and range from cube to octahedral morphologies; the entire spectrum in color and morphology is present in a single metasomatized eclogite with zoned garnet and clinopyroxene. Ages estimated from Sm-Nd mineral isochrons range from 92–247 Ma. ɛNd values range from +4.05 to 5.23. Values of specific gravity range from 3.06–3.60 g/cc, with calculated seismic Vp of 7.4–8.7 km/s. Petrographie, mineral, and bulk chemical data demonstrate an overall close similarity between the Koidu xenolith suite and upper mantle eclogites from other districts in Africa, Siberia and the United States. At least two origins are implied byP-T, bulk chemistry and mineral compositions: low-MgO eclogites, with diamond and other accessory minerals, are considered to have formed from melts trapped and metamorphically equilibrated in the lithosphere; high-MgO eclogites are picritic and are the products of large degrees of partial melting, with equilibration in the asthenosphere. Fluid or diluted melt metasomatism is pervasive and contributed here and elsewhere to the LIL and refractory silicate incompatible element signature in kimberlites and lamproites, and to secondary diamond growth.

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