
Peters anomaly is a rare, congenital eye malformation characterized by an opaque cornea and blurred vision. Central corneal opacification can lead to delayed progression of visual development caused by defects in Descemet membrane and the posterior stroma. These children require several anesthetics for multiple eye examinations under anesthesia and corneal transplantation. We sought to review the anesthetic management of patients with Peters anomaly for ophthalmologic procedures at Westchester Medical Center, a major referral center for Peters anomaly. A retrospective chart review was completed which included pediatric patients who underwent ophthalmologic procedures related to Peters anomaly from 2013-2018. The charts of 35 patients with Peters anomaly were reviewed: 14 patients with Peters anomaly Type I, 10 patients with Peters anomaly Type II, and 11 patients with Peters plus syndrome. Thirty patients required three procedures on average, two examinations under anesthesia pre- and post-transplant, and anesthesia for the corneal transplant itself. The youngest patient encountered for examination under anesthesia was 39-week postconceptual age. Anesthetic time for examination under anesthesia averaged 31minutes using a laryngeal mask airway while corneal transplant averaged 104minutes utilizing endotracheal intubation. Postanesthesia care unit stay averaged 51minutes following examination under anesthesia and 65minutes after corneal transplant. All examinations under anesthesia were successfully completed without adverse events with the use of a laryngeal mask airway. This case series includes two patients with Goldenhar syndrome and Al-Gazali syndrome accompanying Peters anomaly. Although limited by its retrospective nature, this case series describes the cardiac and systemic implications of patients undergoing anesthesia with Peters anomaly. Our experience indicates that general anesthesia and airway manipulation are tolerated with minor postoperative concerns in these infants. Pediatric patients with Peters anomaly require multiple anesthetics for repeated ophthalmologic interventions. The laryngeal mask airway can be routinely utilized in infants less than 3months of age for an eye examination under anesthesia with no airway complications noted.Perioperative providers should be aware of the multisystemic implications in patients with Peters plus syndrome.

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