
This text visits and manifests the critical utopianism embedded in the praxis of Peter Cook, within which resides a promising mode of architectural thinking based on reflexive inquiries rather than absolute and closed utopias. It aims to revert questions that link utopia and spatial determinism towards questions that revolve around utopian methodologies that become trainings of architectural imagination.


  • UvodUtopia, as a means of reorganizing the relationships between problems and models, is returning to favor within the contemporary debates and practices of architecture.[1]

  • It is beyond doubt that historically significant and definitive utopian moments have always been those within which different sets of ideas have come explicitly into collision

  • To speak of exact instances in time, one may immediately refer to the symbolic moments of post-war modernism which witnessed and were marked by both the triumph and the failure of utopian practices

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As a means of reorganizing the relationships between problems and models, is returning to favor within the contemporary debates and practices of architecture.[1]. This relied on the fact that he believed architecture might well work with advanced techniques and contemporary production methods at hand and yet still embed a criticism on and challenge with the existing system His use of textual material throughout his Archigram period, beyond sole descriptive and provocative purposes, as a means to acuminate a distinction between built form and architectural possibility certainly has references to this very attitude.[19]. It was the Plug-in City scheme, as developed by Peter Cook, which, for the first time, extensively capsulized the group’s pursuits between the years 1962 and 1964. He started his partnership with Colin Founier, which ended in 2004, the year he started his ongoing collaboration with Gavin Robotham in the CRAB studio

31 See his elaborations on the lump in
Summary Sažetak
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