
The origin and concept, known exactly, of pesticides is not known. Pesticides or insecticides (insect killers) are among the most extensively used chemicals in the world today and they are also among the most hazardous compounds to the human being as well. Though, some pesticides can be beneficial in decreasing the populations of harmful or destructive insects, while others can be damaging to the environment and can cause serious disturbances. In this connection, studies have shown that pesticides can be extremely unsafe, particularly when they run off into water ways or if used indiscriminately can cause both short term and long term damage to the people and the environment. Humans can also be adversely affected by pesticides and this can cause many people to change their life style according to the situation. Synthetic pesticides are behind many people’s decision to switch to organic products and practices, especially where diet is concerned. The number of people demanding pesticide – free organic food has increased sharply in recent years as more information has been uncovered about the health risks associated with pesticides. Additionally, some pesticides have a resistance to breaking down over time, which means that their effects can continue over a long period of time. All pesticides may be effective against the pests, when they are used for control. They must be biologically active or toxic. As pesticides are toxic by nature, they are also potentially hazardous to human, animals, other organisms as well as the environment. Therefore, people who use pesticides or regularly come in contact with them must understand the relative toxicity and preventive measures to reduce exposure to the products they use. A report from World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that over 200,000 people are killed due to the toxicity of these dangerous chemicals every year. The casualty figure in fact do not confirm the real picture of poisoning caused by the frequent use of pesticides but about over three million of poisoning cases have been reported annually. Exposure to these pesticides or hazardous chemicals therefore leads to several health problems such as asthma attacks, skin rashes as well as chronic disorders like emphysema and cancer. Therefore, what steps or needs to be done immediately is to reduce the adverse health effects caused by the pesticides and if they are found to be dangerous beyond a maximum level, restrictions should be imposed on their use as well as exposure to human health. Some organochlorine pesticides have been banned in this connection. (e.g. DDT, dieldirin, endrin etc.).

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