
Bihar state is situated in the middle of Indo-Gangetic plains of India and located between 24°-27° N latitude and 82°-88° E longitude with a total geographical area of 94.2 thousand sq. km. It possesses 7.63% of India's total goat population which is the fifth largest among states of India. PPR has become endemic and reported from most states of India by various researchers. A systematic three years study on sero-epidemiology of PPR in goats was carried out in nine districts covering all the four agro-climatic zones of Bihar. Random samples (769) were collected from unvaccinated goats of all gender, breeds with more than 3 months of age. Samples were tested using Mab c-ELISA following standard protocol provided. The overall circulating PPR virus (PPRV) antibody was 34.50% (apparent prevalence) and 39.04% (corrected prevalence). The PPRV antibody in goats of Zone 2 was significantly higher compared to Zone 1. Amongst different breeds, the circulating PPRV antibody was significantly higher in Sirohi breed compared to Black Bengal and nonsignificantly higher to other breeds of the goat. Binary logistic regression of PPR with gender indicated a significantly higher probability of PPRV antibody in female goats compared to male goats. The odds ratio was high with respect to the occurrence of PPR and physiological state (age) and the difference was significantly higher in adult goats compared to kids. The present finding is helpful in planning effective disease management program for PPR in Indo-Gangetic plains.

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