
The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Liriomyza bryoniae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) for the EU. L. bryoniae (the tomato leaf miner; EPPO code: LIRIBO) is a polyphagous Palaearctic species which probably originates from southern Europe, where it occurs commonly outdoors and has now spread to many parts of central and northern Europe, where it is only found in greenhouses. The species is also reported in North Africa and in several countries in Asia. L. bryoniae can have multiple overlapping generations per year. Eggs are inserted in the leaves of host plants. Three larval instars feed internally within leaves and stems of field vegetables. Pupation generally takes place in the soil and very occasionally on the upper or lower surfaces of the leaves. L. bryoniae is regulated in the EU by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (Annex III) in specific protected zones only (the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom). However, L. bryoniae is not specifically mentioned in any of the annexes of Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/2072 concerning controls regarding certain protected zones. The wide current geographic range of L. bryoniae, both in open fields and greenhouses, suggests that it is able to establish in most areas in the EU, including the protected zones, where its hosts are present and where impact would be possible both in open fields as well as greenhouses. All criteria for consideration as a potential protected zone quarantine pest are met. Besides, being L. bryoniae widely distributed in the EU and being plants for planting the primary pathway it could also qualify as regulated non‐quarantine pest (RNQP).

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