
The aim of this research is to explore the Role of Pesantren Law (UU Nomor 18 2019) as an accelerator for Community Economic Development within the framework of public policy, grounded in Elinor Ostrom's Common-Pool Resource Management theory. The study employs a literature review method to contextualize the investigation within existing scholarship on pesantren institutions, legal frameworks, and economic development. Guided by Ostrom's theory, a qualitative analysis of Pesantren Law (UU Nomor 18 2019) is conducted, complemented by a review of scholarly works and legal documents. The results of the analysis reveal explicit and implicit mechanisms within Pesantren Law (UU Nomor 18 2019) that align with Ostrom's principles of collective resource management, offering insights into their potential influence on economic activities within pesantren communities and assessing their effectiveness in fostering community economic development. In light of these findings, the study suggests that policymakers and legal scholars consider leveraging these identified mechanisms to enhance communal resource management and promote sustainable economic growth within pesantren communities. This research contributes practical and theoretical insights, emphasizing the importance of aligning legal frameworks with community-centric theories for effective policy implementation and community development.

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