
One of the sustainable development goals is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Tourism industry has recently become one of the important aspects in the Indonesia's economic growth. Halal tourism is considered a plus value for the tourism industry in Indonesia. Pesantren, as one of the stakeholder institutions in Pentahelix system of halal tourism industry, plays an important role in many things, among others: identifying halal tourism destination, raising public-awareness in processing food, choosing travel services and concepts, determining the payment method of travel services. Pesantren is involved in the educational process about Islamic business ethics, formal or non-formal training for halal tourism industry practitioners, and also the syar'i daily life concept for the residents of halal tourism area. This study aims to identify the importance of Pesantren's role, socially and psychologically, as one of the main pillars of halal tourism development in Indonesia. The result of this qualitative research shows that Pesantren ought to participate holistically and comprehensively in the agenda of Indonesia's halal industry so that with maximal management makes a big contribution to achieve the internationalization program of Indonesian halal tourism and to succeed SDG’s agenda in supporting sustainable tourism and creates employment while supporting local cultures and products in 2030.

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