
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown a very broad impact on many aspects of life, from health, education, religion, to socio-cultural aspects. The role of preachers is important to convey messages in the da’wah (preaching) to the community, so as to create a strong family resilience. Public anxiety about the increasing number of victims of this virus and the amount of fake news related to Covid-19 information has made the role of preachers even more important in delivering consoling messages. Preachers who are close to the community should have good communication skills in conveying government policies related to Covid-19. The messages conveyed can combine Islamic insights and health insights because in Islam, it is stated that cleanliness is part of the faith.The focus of this research is on da’wah activities regarding the prevention of Covid-19 in the modern Islamic dormitory of Assalam, Kranggan, Temanggung, Central Java. Because the essence of da’wah is to invite goodness and prevent evil (amar makruf nahi munkar), various activities carried out by the preachers in the modern Islamic dormitory of Assalam such as appealing for wearing masks, washing hands frequently with soap, not believing fake news, maintaining immunity, and maintaining cleanliness are part of the da'wah activities in preventing Covid-19 in the community, especially among the students. Da’wah messages about health are important in realizing family resilience because a healthy family will create stronger family resilience.

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