
AbstractWe present a simple description of moduli spaces of torsion-free 𝒟-modules (𝒟-bundles) on general smooth complex curves, generalizing the identification of the space of ideals in the Weyl algebra with Calogero–Moser quiver varieties. Namely, we show that the moduli of 𝒟-bundles form twisted cotangent bundles to moduli of torsion sheaves on X, answering a question of Ginzburg. The corresponding (untwisted) cotangent bundles are identified with moduli of perverse vector bundles on T*X, which contain as open subsets the moduli of framed torsion-free sheaves (the Hilbert schemes T*X[n] in the rank-one case). The proof is based on the description of the derived category of 𝒟-modules on X by a noncommutative version of the Beilinson transform on P1.

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