
Biosiliceous cherts hosting the transformation of biogenic silica to paracrystalline opal-CT, deposited in the low-latitude realms of Jurassic to Neogene, were recently interpreted as developing during episodes of elevated primary productivity along upwelling areas in equatorial and sub-equatorial paleo-latitudes. Geographically widespread distribution of chert and other rock types of biosiliceous origin, including porcellanite and siliceous claystones throughout the Eocene however indicates these diagenetic deposits are not in any case the dependable markers of latitude-driven upwelling regimes. This study aims to explore the dominance of early Eocene chert occurrences in the Equatorial Pacific (EP) sediments, and their contribution to the Cenozoic global climate change. Our new assessment of the age-abundance dispersal of EP Cenozoic chert sections accommodated by Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP)- and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)-cored deposits realized that the cherts transformed from deposited opal-A sediments most commonly in the early Eocene, with a peak in abundance at ∼50 Ma. This age interval of significant chert occurrences coincided with the period of seawater-temperature maxima of the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO), during which the world ocean was supposedly marked by highly reduced upwelling intensity and siliceous bioproduction. The spatio-temporal distribution model of the EP Cenozoic cherts with the peak occurrences during the EECO presented in this study bears close similarities to the global distribution patterns of chert during the Cenozoic, which strongly correspond to a global paleoclimatic driver rather than upwelling regimes. Following our survey, cherts occurred less frequently in the post-early Eocene, which is characterized by cooling bottom waters and amplified upwelling and bioproductivity. This model suggests the paleo-seawater rich in dissolved silicon (DSi) would have been imperative for peak incidences of early Eocene chert production, despite extreme surface warmth and greenhouse conditions of the EECO, making DSi available to opal-secreting phytoplankton via deep-water ventilation. These imply that the paleo-climate was more impactful to diagenetic chert production than latitudinally mediated ocean upwelling. The chert distribution events during the early Eocene reduced siliceous bioproductivity appear to have been insufficient to compensate for the significant silica input to the basin mainly from climate-controlled continental weathering. The DSi uptake by precipitation of authigenic clays which accompanies opal-A diagenesis in many depositional systems has been operative, with higher rates in carbonate- than clay-dominated sediments, so as to sustain balance between DSi released to the ocean from terrestrial sources and the silica expelled in sediments during the EECO weakened upwelling.

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