
The research aimed to study the change of population of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms according to the application time of bokashi which were applied continously on organic paddy rice fields since years of 2000 up to 2006. The research was conducted in a Randomized Completely Block Design in four replicates. The treatments were without bokashi (control; with intensively application of NPK fertilizers), bokashi application for 3 planting seasons (12 t ha-1), bokashi application for 4 planting seasons (16 t ha-1), bokashi application for 7 planting seasons (28 t ha-1), and bokashi application for 9 planting seasons (36 t ha-1). The results showed that the population of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms were not affected by continously applied of bokashi and did not have correlations to organic carbon, total nitrogen, ratio C/N, soil pH, and soil water content. However, the phosphate solubilizing microorganisms had played a role in the availability of the soil available-P which were shown by increasing of paddy yields year by year, although the contribution of soil phosphorus from bokashi is a relatively low. Yet, the bokashi application on the organic paddy fields did not increase the soil availble-P because most of the P which was absorbed by the plants coming from residual P fertilizers either from bokashi or SP-36 which were intensevely given before.


  • Pembudidayaan padi sawah dengan menggunakan pupuk kimia yang berlebihan dan terusmenerus perlu ditinjau kembali karena selain tidak efisien dari segi biaya juga mengakibatkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan

  • The results showed that the population of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms were not affected by continously applied of bokashi and did not have correlations to organic carbon, total nitrogen, ratio C/N, soil pH, and soil water content

  • Aplikasi mikroba pelarut fosfat dan pupuk P terhadap produksi kacang tanah pada tanah podsolik merah kuning

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada lahan sawah di Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Tanggamus yang telah dibudidayakan secara intensif sejak tahun 1970 sampai tahun 2000. Sejak 6 tahun yang lalu dimulai pada tahun 2001 hingga 2006 (saat pengambilan sampel tanah dilaksanakan) secara bertahap setiap tahunnya pupuk dan pestisida kimia dihentikan dan digantikan dengan pemberian pupuk bokashi sebagai bahan organik sebanyak 4 t ha-1 pada setiap awal tanam (bulan Januari dan September), sejak itu cara ini disebut sistem pertanian organik. Penetapan populasi mikroorganisme pelarut fosfat dilakukan dengan pembuatan larutan fisiologis, ekstrak tanah, dan medium cair Pikovskaya. Contoh tanah sebanyak 10 g dimasukkan ke dalam larutan fisiologis yang telah dioautoklaf (seri pengenceran 10-1). Kemudian dari setiap seri pengenceran sebanyak 1 ml diinokulasikan pada cawan petri steril yang ditambahkan medium cair Pikovskaya steril sebanyak ± 10 ml lalu ditutup dan didiamkan hingga medium membeku, dibalik dan diinkubasi dalam inkubator pada suhu 28 oC selama 4 hingga 7 hari.

Sifat Tanah
Hubungan Populasi MPF dengan beberapa Sifat Kimia dan Fisik Tanah
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