
Abstract : The concept of post-industrial society is characterized by significant changes in the use of technology, information and communication. The behavior of consumption of urban communities after the emergence of virtual market is very dynamic that causes demand for goods increases and resulting in demand for goods in the nonvirtual market decreased. Changes in people’s consumption patterns are caused by the rapid development of e-commerce. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of post-industrial society, to find out changes in consumption behavior of post-industrial society, to find out what influences the changes in consumption behavior of post-industrial society. The type of research used is qualitative research with the object of library research, data collection is carried out by direct or indirect quotations and then analyzed by means of content analysis of several books and journals related to the topic raised, then reviews and concludes. The results of this study indicate that public consumption in the post-industrial era is more likely to take advantage of technological advances such as virtual markets or online shops. Post-industrial society is also more focused on developing soft skills than hard skills.Keyword: Post Industrial, Consumption Behavior, Consumption.

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