
Recent progress in quantum signal processing (QSP) and its generalization, quantum singular value transformation, has led to a grand unification of quantum algorithms. However, inherent experimental noise in quantum devices severely limits the length of realizable QSP sequences. We consider a model of QSP with generic perturbative noise in the signal processing basis and present a diagrammatic notation useful for analyzing such errors. To demonstrate our technique, we study a specific coherent error, that of under- or overrotation of the signal processing operator parametrized by $\ensuremath{\epsilon}\ensuremath{\ll}1$. For this coherent error model, it is shown that while Pauli $Z$ errors are not recoverable without additional resources, Pauli $X$ and $Y$ errors can be arbitrarily suppressed by coherently appending a noisy recovery QSP without the use of additional resources or ancillas. Furthermore, through a careful accounting of errors using our diagrammatic tools, we provide an upper and lower bound on the length of this recovery QSP operator. We anticipate that the perturbative technique and the diagrammatic notation proposed here will facilitate future study of generic noise in QSP and quantum algorithms.

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