
Centre-stabilised $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theories on $\mathbb{R}^3 \times S^1$ are QCD-like theories that can be engineered to remain weakly-coupled at all energy scales by taking the $S^1$ circle length $L$ to be sufficiently small. In this regime, these theories admit effective long-distance descriptions as Abelian $U(1)^{N-1}$ gauge theories on $\mathbb{R}^3$, and semiclassics can be reliably employed to study non-perturbative phenomena such as colour confinement and the generation of mass gaps in an analytical setting. At the perturbative tree level, the long-distance effective theory contains $(N-1)$ free photons with identical gauge couplings $g^2_3 \equiv g^2/L$. Vacuum polarisation effects, from integrating out heavy charged fields, lift this degeneracy to give $\floor{\frac{N}{2}}$ distinct values: $g^2(\frac{2}{L})\lesssim g_{3,\ell}^2 L \lesssim g^2(\frac{2\pi}{NL}) $. In this work, we calculate these corrections to one-loop order in theories where the centre-symmetric vacuum is stabilised by $2\leq n_f \leq 5$ massive adjoint Weyl fermions with masses of order $m_\lambda \sim \frac{2\pi}{NL}$, (also known as "deformed Yang-Mills,") and show that our results agree with those found in previous studies in the $m_\lambda \to 0$ limit. Then, we show that our result has an intuitive interpretation as the running of the coupling in a "lattice momentum" in the context of the non-perturbative "emergent latticised fourth dimension" in the $N\to \infty$, fixed-$NL$ limit.

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