
The holographic duals of higher spin theories on AdS_3 are described by the large N limit of a family of minimal model CFTs, whose symmetry algebra is equivalent to W(infinity)[lambda]. We study perturbations of these limit theories, and show that they possess a marginal symmetry-preserving perturbation that describes switching on the 1/N corrections. We also test our general results for the specific cases of lambda=0,1, where free field realisations are available.


  • (Here we have assumed that Φ is W∞[λ] primary.) Given that the WN,k minimal models are not expected to have any such perturbation — the integrable perturbation by the field (0; adj) is relevant and induces the RG flow from k → k − 1 — we can only hope to find a solution to this problem either at generic values of (λ, c) of the W∞[λ] theory, or in the ’t Hooft limit of the WN,k models

  • In the ’t Hooft limit the ratio ∆D/N (as well as the drift term (λ2B− − 1)/N ) become continuous variables, and the branches of minimal model representations lead to a continuum of perturbed conformal dimensions; this matches the continuum for ρ we found above

  • In this paper we have studied the behaviour of the W∞[λ] theories under perturbations that preserve the symmetry algebra to first order

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The free fermion description

Let us consider the theory of N free complex fermions ψi and ψ∗i, i = 1, . With similar expressions for the right movers ψi and ψ∗j. We shall always consider only states that are singlets with respect to the global SU(N ) action. The free theory has the conserved spin-s chiral currents [25, 26, 27] (the expressions for the anti-chiral currents are analogous) s−1. ∂s−1−kψ∗i ∂kψi , k k=0 where the sum over i is implicit, and we choose the normalisation convention (2.4)

OPEs and commutation relations
The coset generators
Determining λ
The continuous orbifold viewpoint
The higher spin currents
The primary basis
Deforming the theory
The perturbation in the ’t Hooft limit
The effect of the perturbation
The structure of the perturbation theory
The mixing matrix
The eigenvalue problem
The CFT interpretation
D The eigenproblem of a scalar Jacobi matrix
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