
The solution of the Stark effect in hydrogen to arbitrarily high orders of perturbation theory is made feasible by the explicit formula for the $N\mathrm{th}$-order energy in terms of the separation constants through $N\mathrm{th}$ order, derived here. The $N\mathrm{th}$-order separation constant ${\ensuremath{\beta}}_{i}^{(N)}$ is shown to be a polynomial of total degree $N+1$ in the parabolic quantum number ${n}_{i}$ and the magnetic quantum number $m$. The polynomial coefficients have been tabulated through seventeenth order and are listed here through tenth order. Similarly, the $N\mathrm{th}$-order energy is a polynomial in the quantum numbers ${n}_{1}$, ${n}_{2}$, and $m$. The polynomial coefficients (which are more numerous than for ${\ensuremath{\beta}}_{i}^{(N)}$) have been tabulated through seventeenth order and are listed here through seventh order. Seventeenth order is high enough to permit a clear numerical demonstration of the asymptotic character of the perturbation series, and a "maximum useful field strength" is defined and illustrated. Energies calculated by perturbation theory for specific states are shown to be in excellent agreement with energies calculated nonperturbatively.

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