
Perturbation of the hydrogen bonds in the adenine ... thymine base pair by Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and NH4+ cations has been investigated by means of ab initio SCF calculations with the STO-3G basis set. The geometry of adenine...thymine, as well as those of the perturbed pairs were optimized. Approach of any cation to thymine at O6 leads to destabilization of the adenine...thymine pair; divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+) have a profound effect on the structure of the base pair. The approach of a cation to other available sites (thymine: O2, adenine N1 and N3) leads, on the other hand, to stabilization of the base pair. If a water molecule is placed between the cation and the base pair, the structure and stability of the base pair are changed only negligibly.

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