
Research on Hydroseeding in Indonesia is still limited. The application of this hydroseeding technique can be developed for landslide management. This study aims to analyze the percentage of growth (viability) and growth of Japanese grass (Zoysia japonica) planted on landslide soil media at various levels of slope. This research was carried out at the Central Laboratory and greenhouse of the Malang Agricultural Institute in March – July 2020. The soil media used was obtained from landslides in Ngantang, Malang Regency. A total of 5 kg of media was put in a plastic box. Then the box is placed on a shelf with a slope of 30o, 50o, and 70o. Japanese Grass Seeds obtained from the market are mixed with compost, soil conditioner, guar gum, water to form a Hydroseeding formula. The formula is then sprayed onto the growing media. The results showed that the application of hydroseeding with Japanese grass seed (Z. japonica) on media placed with a slope of 70o could potentially be used as a formula for the revegetation process of landslide-affected land. The hydroseeding treatment at this slope resulted in the highest seed viability and growth rate. Thus, Japanese grass (Zoysia japonica) has the potential to be used as a pioneer plant in land reclamation.


  • Hydroseeding is a technique for planting seeds with a formulation that can be spread by spraying

  • This study aims to analyze the percentage of growth (viability) and growth of Japanese grass (Zoysia japonica) planted on landslide soil media at various levels of slope

  • Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi hydroseeding dengan benih rumput Jepang (Z. japonica) pada media yang diletakkan dengan kemiringan 70o potensial digunakan sebagai formula untuk proses revegetasi lahan bekas longsor

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Material dan Metode

Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei–September 2020 di rumah kaca dan Laboratorium Sentral, Malang Institut Pertanian. Campuran hydroseeding terdiri dari: bibit tanaman, kompos, pembenah tanah, pupuk kandang, dan air. Biji yang digunakan terdiri dari 0,5 gram (121 biji) Z. japonica. Untuk semua komposisi hydroseeding, Guar Gum dan campuran mikroorganisme lokal dicampur sampai diperoleh 7 liter mulsa koloid sehingga dapat dengan mudah diterapkan di atas permukaan media. Media terdiri dari tanah yang berasal dari longsor di Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Kotak plastik tesebut ditempatkan pada rangka besi yang memiliki tiga tingkat kemiringan, 30, 50, dan 70 derajat. Media kontrol terdiri dari tanah dan biji tanpa formula. Perbedaan antar rata-rata perlakuan dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Variansi (ANAVA) uji Tukey HSD pada = 5% dengan SPSS 18.0 untuk Windows

Hasil Penelitian
Pertumbuhan Viabilitas benih
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