
Economic growth as a quantitative measure that describes the development of an economy in a given year when compared with the previous year. Economic growth means the development of economic activities that cause goods and services produced in the community to increase and the welfare of society increases. Each region seeks to increase economic growth and stability, one of which is Riau Islands Province. To see how the economic growth of Riau Islands Province, then conducted a study entitled Economic Growth Riau Islands Province. The data source used is secondary data with descriptive data analysis method. From the analysis, it is known that the economic growth of Kepulauan Riau Province in the year of 2016 is 5.03% with the highest growth rate in the big and retail trade, car and motorcycle repairs 9.54%.


  • Abstrack: Economic growth as a quantitative measure that describes the development of an economy in a given year when compared with the previous year

  • Economic growth means the development of economic activities that cause goods and services produced in the community to increase and the welfare of society increases

  • It is known that the economic growth of Kepulauan Riau Province in the year of 2016 is 5.03% with the highest growth rate in the big and retail trade, car and motorcycle repairs 9.54%

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Pada tabel 1 di atas dapat dilihat perkembangan PDRB Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Riau dari tahun ke tahun, dimana setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. Pada tahun 2013 PDRB terbanyak adalah Kota Batam sebesar 78991,10 kemudian Kabupaten Natuna 13009,83 dilanjutkan oleh Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas 11964,65, disusul oleh Kota Tanjungpinang 11294,83, Bintan 10741,92, Kabupaten Karimun 6744,25 dan Kabupaten Lingga 2256,83. Pada tahun 2014 PDRB tertinggi adalah Kota Batam sebanyak 84644,07, lalu Kabupaten Natuna 13585,41, kemudian Kepulauan Anambas 12407,91, Kota Tanjungpinang 11891,26, Kabupaten Bintan 11424,37, Kabupaten Karimun 7207,30 dan Kabupaten Lingga 2373,21. Pada tahun 2015 PDRB terbanyak, yaitu Kota Batam sebesar 90427,39, kemudian Kabupaten Natuna 14115,89, dilanjutkan Kepulauan Anambas 12784,25, lalu Kota Tanjungpinang 12567,99, Kabupaten Bintan 12013,75, Kabupaten Karimun 7678,31 dan Kabupaten Lingga 2429,74. Sedangkan Pada tahun 2016 PDRB terbanyak masih dipegang oleh Kota Batam sebesar 95354,80, lalu Kabupaten Natuna 14540,58, setelah itu Kota Tanjungpinang 13206,45, Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas 13155,96, Kabupaten Bintan 12729,65, Kabupaten Karimunn 8152,86 dan Kabupaten Lingga 2528,52. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2010 Menurut Lapangan Usaha di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (miliar rupiah)

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