
Tidal acid land is a potential land for cassava development. However, the development of cassava in tidal land faces many obstacles, one of which is the low availability of nutrients. This study aimed to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer in increasing the growth and yield of cassava in tidal land. The experiment consisted of two factors, the first factor was two varieties of cassava and the second factor was four levels of NPK fertilizer doses. The experiment was applied in a strip plot design with variety as the horizontal factor and the level of NPK fertilizer as the vertical factor and repeated three times. The growth parameters observed consisted of plant height, stem diameter, plant biomass weight, number of large tubers, number of small tubers, large tuber length, length of small tuber, the diameter of large tuber, the diameter of small tuber, the total number of tubers, the weight of large tuber, the weight of tuber small, and total tuber weight. The results showed that fertilizer application was effective in increasing vegetative growth and yield of cassava but increasing the dose of fertilizer was not effective in increasing the growth and yield of cassava. Differences in varieties generally did not show differences in vegetative growth and some yield components but still showed different results in the components of tuber length and total tuber weight.


  • Tidal acid land is a potential land for cassava development

  • The results showed that fertilizer application was effective in increasing vegetative growth and yield of cassava but increasing the dose of fertilizer was not effective in increasing the growth and yield of cassava

  • Karakterisasi Beberapa Sifat Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Plasma Nutfah Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz.)

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Ubikayu merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan penyangga sumber karbohidrat penting bagi kebanyakan masyarakat di pedesaan Indonesia. Terutama komoditas ubikayu dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional, upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah melalui pengembangan di lahan suboptimal, yaitu lahan pasang surut. Saat ini lahan pasang surut yang tersedia untuk pengembangan tanaman pangan mencapai 773 ribu ha. Kendala pengembangan ubikayu di lahan pasang surut adalah tanah yang umumnya bersifat masam (pH 4-5) dengan kejenuhan Al tinggi (>40%), kandungan hara Fe dan Mn tinggi sehingga menghambat pertumbuhan akar tanaman, serta ketersediaan hara N, P, K, Ca, dan Mg rendah (Susilawati et al 2016). Wahyuningsih dan Sutrisno, 2018 melaporkan bahwa hasil penelitian ubikayu di lahan pasang surut menunjukkan perbedaan pertumbuhan vegetatif biomass tanaman dan hasil umbi pada varietas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk NPK dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman ubikayu di lahan pasang surut

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