
This research aimed to find out the interaction effect between mixed Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and phosphate fertilizer to the growth of red chili (C. annuum) in acid soil, and to fnd out the best combination of mixed VAM and phosphate fertilizer to the growth of red chili (C. annuum) in acid soil. This research used an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in a factorial pattern with two factors. The first factor was mixed VAM dosages consisted of four levels: 0; 10; 15; 20 g/plant. The second factor was phosphate fertilizer dosages consisted of four levels: 0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 g/plant. Each combination treatment had three replication. The parameters were observed in the form of plant height, stem diameter, plant top dry weight, degree of VAM infection, and P content of plant tissue. Data obtained from the observation was analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at an error rate of 5% and 1%, treatment that showed significant or very significant result, then followed with Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test. The result showed that interaction between mixed Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and phosphate fertilizer did not increase the plant height, stem diameter, and plant top dry weight, but each factor increased the plant height, stem diameter, and plant top dry weight. VAM dosage inoculation of 20 g/plant without phosphate fertilizer is the most effective combination in increasing the degree of VAM infection.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara Mikoriza Vesikula Arbuskula (MVA) campuran dan pupuk fosfat terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai merah (C. annuum) di tanah masam serta mengetahui kombinasi dosis MVA campuran dan pupuk fosfat yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan tanaman cabai merah di tanah masam

  • This research aimed to find out the interaction effect between mixed Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza

  • This research used an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design

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Metode Penelitian

Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah biji cabai merah varietas lokal, inokulum MVA campuran dengan carrier zeolith yang berisi Acaulospora sp., Glomus sp., dan Gigaspora desipiens tanah masam yang diambil dari daerah Gunung Tugel, Purwokerto, pupuk urea, KCl, TSP, KOH 10%, larutan tinta cuka 5%, air, dan akuades. Berdasarkan penelitian Suwarna et al (2006), dosis pupuk P optimal untuk cabai merah tanpa penambahan MVA adalah 100 kg/ha (1,6 g/tanaman), hal ini sesuai dengan anjuran Setiadi (2008) bahwa penggunakan pupuk P dalam bentuk TSP untuk cabai merah yang ditanam di tanah berkisar 100 kg/ha atau 1,6 g/tanaman/polibag. Hasil Analisis Ragam pada tingkat kesalahan 5% dan 1% menunjukkan tidak adanya interaksi antara pemberian berbagai dosis MVA dengan pupuk fosfat dalam meningkatkan tinggi tanaman cabai yang ditanam di tanah masam. Uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pengaruh inokulasi MVA campuran terhadap tinggi tanaman cabai merah yang ditanam di tanah masam

Perlakuan Pemberian MVA Campuran
Rataan Tinggi Tanaman
Rataan Diameter Batang Tanaman
Rataan Berat Kering Bagian Atas Tanaman
Perlakuan Pemberian MVA Campuran dan Pupuk Fosfat
Daftar Pustaka
Trichoderma dan Mikoriza Vesikular
Produksi Tanaman pada Lahan
Arbuscular mycorrhizal asssociations in the Southern Simpson
Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian
Pengatur Tumbuh
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