
The concept of a nation state with a very diverse population triggers the need for new analytical tools in religious studies. This is solely to find the legal standing element in the area of contemporary religious studies. In the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), the existence of Pancasila as the ideology needs to acquire its legal standing by using a certain theoretical perspective. In Islamic jurisprudence (ushul fiqh) there is knowledge of maqashid sharia which can serve as an analytical tool in conducting studies of Islamic constitutional law, including the ideology of Pancasila. This study examines 3 (three) issues: first, what is the role of maqashid sharia in religious research such as Islamic constitutional law? Second, what is the role of maqashid sharia in responding to the dynamics of Islamic constitutional law? Third, what is the perspective of maqashid sharia on the principles of Pancasila as the ground and ideology of the NKRI? By using normative juridical research method, this study concludes: first, religious research, including Islamic state administration, requires adequate theoretical tools (maqashid sharia) for it can produce findings that are in accordance with the development of the society; second, the dynamics of Islamic constitutional law is shown by the shift in the form of government from the caliphate system, to the kingdom to democracy, so that religious arguments do not direct certain forms of state and government; third, the principle of Pancasila as the basis and ideology of the NKRI has been proven to be able to unite the nation and create harmony in the midst of the diversity and plurality of the people.

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