
Guidance and Counseling (Bimbingan dan Konseling or BK) in education should be oriented to the needs of the counselee, yet the biased perspective of counselor. BK teachers must have an emic concept leading to social inclusion perspectives and multicultural competence. This study aims to describe the perspective of the social inclusion of BK teachers in Banjarmasin. The research subjects were 62 BK teachers. The data was obtained through an online questionnaire. The results showed that discourse of social inclusiveness was still rare, in fact almost 80% of the subjects were unsocialized. The subject knowledge is limited to theoretical and normative aspects. Subjects believe that the principle of inclusion must be applied to minorities, however almost all subjects stand up to the majority group. Individuals are considered to conform to the norms and to the authorities. BK teachers in Banjarmasin are still dominated by an exclusive perspective viewing women, children and minority groups. This comes from a belief system and biased values ​​that come from aspects of religion and socialization obtained from and values ​​and culture in society. This shows that there are still inconsistencies between knowledge and perspective, between values ​​and attitudes, between theory and practice.

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