
AbstractThis study was conducted in Sintang District, West Kalimantan. This study purposedto determine: 1) the local economic wisdom of Sintang Malay community, 2) thebounded rationality perspective in terms of the achievement of goals and, 3) in termsof the efficiency of economic activity. The approach used is a qualitative approachwith the type of phenomenological research. Collecting data using interview andobservation techniques. Collecting informants using snowball sampling technique.There are 11 informants which are divided into 4 key informants and 7 supportinginformants, and using several documents relevant to the research. The results showthat the implementation of the local wisdom economy by Sintang Malay community, itwas seen from the aspect of goal achievement that the implementation of umpanbenua, marriage customs and terempoh in accordance with the rules and traditions insociety so that people get their own satisfaction after carrying out these activities. Inmaking special Sintang Malay fabrics is made based on the typical Sintang Malaymotif, its meaning is still felt by its users. Seen from the efficiency aspect of economicactivity, the implementation of the continental bait has been budgeted for by thegovernment. In the implementation of traditional weddings, terempoh and themanufacture of typical Sintang Malay fabrics using existing resources adapted to thecapabilities of the community.Keywords: Bounded Rationality, Local Wisdom Economy, Sintang Malay

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