
Monkeypox is a rare infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus, which used to occur endemically in central and western Africa. As of 25th May, a total of 219 recently confirmed cases of monkeypox have been reported from 19 non-endemic countries. This outbreak unusually takes place in non-endemic areas for monkeypox virus and has exhibited features of high risk of human-to-human transmission. Onset of multiple human monkeypox cases may be related to the decreased level of herd cross-immunity after the cessation of smallpox vaccination. Moreover, behavioral patterns in specific populations may account for the human-to-human transmission in this outbreak. Currently, possibility of global epidemic of monkeypox is extremely low, but China should be cautious about risks of importation of monkeypox cases. The key to prevention and control is to establish a surveillance system to identify suspicious cases and close contacts as soon as possible.

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