
The theory of evolution and the idea of climate change are aspects of mainstream science that are not accepted by a large fraction of the United States population. Many persons in the United States subscribe to Young Earth Creationism and also deny the existence of climate change. Suspicion toward science is dangerous for the long-term viability of the United States economy and public health, and thus understanding the roots of suspicion toward science is useful toward improving science education. The Mennonite religion, although part of the wider Evangelicalism of the United States, has some unique beliefs, traditions, and its own educational institutions. It is a relatively powerful demographic in Kansas. This study compared younger and older Mennonite Church USA (MCUSA) denomination members from south central Kansas to each other and to the United States population as a whole. We found that MCUSA Generation Y (18–33 year olds) was more accepting of the theory of evolution than both older Mennonites and...

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