
Contents: Preface. Part I: The Syntax and Morphology of in Sign Languages. A. Schembri, Rethinking Classifiers in Signed Languages. B. Bergman, L. Wallin, Noun and Verbal in Swedish Sign Language. M. Aronoff, I. Meir, C. Padden, W. Sandler, Classifier Constructions and Morphology in Two Sign Languages. A.Y. Aikhenvald, Commentary: in Spoken and in Signed Languages: How to Know More. C. Grinevald, Classifier Systems in the Context of a Typology of Nominal Classification. Part II: Cross-Linguistic Variations in Classifier Constructions and Spatial Language. U. Zeshan, Classificatory Constructions in Indo-Pakistani Sign Language: Grammaticalization and Lexicalization Processes. G. Tang, Verbs of Motion and Location in Hong Kong Sign Language: Conflation and Lexicalization. L. Talmy, Commentary: The Representation of Spatial Structure in Spoken and Signed Language. Part III: Classifier Constructions and Gesture. S.K. Liddell, Sources of Meaning in ASL Classifier Predicates. K. Emmorey, M. Herzig, Categorical Versus Gradient Properties of Classifier Constructions in ASL. T. Supalla, Commentary: Revisiting Visual Analogy in ASL Classifier Predicates. S. Duncan, Gesture in Language: Issues for Sign Language Research. Part IV: The Acquisition of Classifier Constructions. D.I. Slobin, N. Hoiting, M. Kuntze, R. Lindert, A. Weinberg, J. Pyers, M. Anthony, Y. Biederman, H. Thumann, A Cognitive/Functional Perspective on the Acquisition of Classifiers. G. Morgan, B. Woll, The Development of Reference Switching Encoded Through Body in British Sign Language. E. Engberg-Pedersen, How Composite Is a Fall: Adults' and Children's Descriptions of Different Types of Falls in Danish Sign Language.

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