
We are used to think that the VUCA world is a recent phenomenon, its characteristics being specific to our post-modern era. However, these four traits, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, characterize many other periods of the human history. This chapter proposes an inquiry on the spiritual teaching received by the managers of Antiquity, specifically the Pater Familias , in order to cope with the challenges of the VUCA world of Antioch and Constantinople in the fourth century in Late Roman Empire. Following the tradition of Fathers of the Desert and Fathers of the Church, their teacher, John Chrysostom , proposes an Integrative Mindfulness Program. This program goes beyond the classical approach of mindfulness by proposing a state of mind called hesychia . This is a peaceful state of mind which is the fruit of nepsis , the attention to one thoughts and of spiritual discernment . The classical approach of mindfulness it has been inspired by Buddhism and it has transformed into a secularized method of self-development based on awareness, attention and non-judgement attitude—these three components describe the classical approach of mindfulness. In this sense, the Integrative Mindfulness Program of John Chrysostom is more fundamental and proposes a profound and stable inner change and not only a temporary state of mind.

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