
The article examines the efficiency of the distance learning module for the Educational Psychology course in the terms of pre-service teachers education at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. What conditions should be taken into consideration while maintaining the course; what content is needed for pre-service English Teachers? The purpose of the study is to examine the efficiency of the course in terms of lifelong learning including the study of the conditions of successful integration of distance learning in teacher education. The following research methods were used: pre and post surveys, questionnaires to analyze pre-service teachers perception of the course, comparative method, case study and the experiment conducted throughout four academic years. The findings show that distance learning course is considered as effective, in particular for those who reside far away from the education centre. Moreover, basing on pre-service teachers’ answers and case studies we have identified the topics and areas that need to be covered during teacher education. It should be noted the distance learning course helps pre-service English teachers not only enlarge their knowledge and skills in Educational Psychology but also benefit from observing how different ICTs can be used in educational process. Finally, it encourages head teachers to constantly improve the efficiency of the Educational Psychology course

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