
The article provides definitions of the concepts of "residential infrastructure" and "ergodesign of living environment". It was determined that residential infrastructure is a set of residential units designed for household activities with a system of appropriate services. The article describes the features of architectural and design formation of the modern living environment. Perspective tendencies of ergodesign infrastructure of living environment creation for the purpose of methodological bases of its formation development are revealed. It is established that the infrastructure of the living environment in the future will be improved taking into account the peculiarities of the determining factors, but the architectural environment of local residential units will be more developed. The directions of the architectural environment development of local residential formations are connected. It was determined that they are connected with application of innovative technologies and new building materials, functional intensification of living environment infrastructure, creation of multifunctional residential complexes, development of scale characteristics of buildings and emergence of vertical megastructures. Concepts and directions of architectural designing objects of residential environment infrastructure with use of means of ergodesign are revealed. The methods of forming the ergodesign residential infrastructure formations, which are aimed at creating a humane psychologically and aesthetically comfortable environment of human life, are determined. It is revealed that the main perspective methods of local residential formation include creation of multifunctional residential buildings and structures, maximum usage the natural (water, relief, vegetation) and artificial elements in the structure of residential formations to achieve stylistic unity, creation of universal spaces with the possibility of changing them in time, creation living environment as a single energy system, the usage of advanced technologies, architectural and artistic and engineering achievements to create its unique artistic image, the introduction of automatic "intelligent" systems in the infrastructure of living environment, etc.

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