
The library stock is a very complicated object, which key characteristic is a strict order of documents it consists of. The quality of library activities and effectiveness of library functioning as a whole depend on how it is organized. The stock arranging – as the process of its organization – presupposes search and taking decisions on the optimal regulating of documents in the stock. Rational stock arranging considerably increases operativeness of servicing readers thanks to reduction of time wastes for searching and delivering the documents asked, that, undoubtedly, is an important factor in the sphere of services provision, taking into account the speed of today life. Due to the active growth of documents’ quantity, that is characteristic for depository libraries, the need in vacant space increases yearly, selection and search for sources in the stock are getting more complicated. Besides, the problem of lack of space for stocks accommodation is connected with substantial widening of functions and changing the libraries growth, taking place under exterior conditions influence. The urgent necessity for searching modern and effective ways to solve this problem has become the basic reason for specialists of the State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS) to pay attention to, determined the principle task: to work out the complex of measures for optimal arrangement of the Library stocks. Based on the materials, gained in the course of work from all departments that hold collections, and with their direct collaboration the document “Strategy of accommodating SPSTL SB RAS collections for the period of 2020–2030” has been created. The object of the article is to give the notion about the current situation and possible decisions of the abovementioned problem in the largest library in Siberia and the Russian Far East.


  • Библиотечный фонд – сложный объект, ключевой характеристикой которого является упорядоченность входящих в его состав документов

  • The library stock is a very complicated object, which key characteristic is a strict order of documents it consists of

  • Due to the active growth of documents’ quantity, that is characteristic for depository libraries, the need in vacant space increases yearly, selection and search for sources in the stock are getting more complicated

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Библиотечный фонд – сложный объект, ключевой характеристикой которого является упорядоченность входящих в его состав документов. © Бахтеева Татьяна Валерияновна заведующий отделом хранения фондов, Государственная публичная научно-т­ ехническая библиотека Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (ГПНТБ СО РАН), Новосибирск, Россия, Bakhteeva@spsl.nsc.ru © Панкратьева Мария Викторовна ведущий библиотекарь отдела хранения фондов, Государственная публичная научно-т­ ехническая библиотека Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (ГПНТБ СО РАН), Новосибирск, Россия, Pankratyeva@spsl.nsc.ru

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