
Methods. The methodological basis of the study has been formed by the works of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists, information and analytical materials of international financial institutions. The results have been obtained through the use of methods of comparative, statistical analysis – in quantifying the sustainable development of the world; a systems approach – in substantiating scenarios of sustainable development in global threats; induction and deduction – in justifying and developing a methodological approach to the definition of the country's sustainable development in conditions of global threats. Results. The achievement of sustainable development by different countries in the global context has been quantified. It is determined that for most countries of the world are characterized by the interdependence of social and economic components of sustainable development, which confirms the relationship between the level of economic well-being of the country and the level of development of its social sphere. The global threats of sustainable development of the world and the level of security of life in different countries have been analyzed. Perspective scenarios of achieving sustainable development in the conditions of global threats have been substantiated. It is determined that the decline of the world economy in 2020 will be deeper than previous global crises, but in 2021–2022, after overcoming a new pandemic, it will begin to renew and grow in accordance with the objective laws of the economy. Novelty. The methodological approach of the definition the country's sustainable development in conditions of global threats has been developed and substantiated. The methodological approach allows to assess the country's sustainable development taking into account global threats, indicators of readiness and vulnerability to the crisis, which, in turn, gives the basis for determining the policy adjustments to strengthen sustainable development in the context of global crises. Practical value. The obtained results can be used to determine the priority areas for sustainable development of Ukraine in the context of global threats and to build an effective economic, social and environmental policy aimed at achieving sustainable development of the country.

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