
Goal. Search for the most valuable sources of spring oats, resistant to the defeat of loose smut.
 Methods. Field, finely divided. The area of the crop area is 2 m2, the repetition is three times. The study was carried out in fields at Verhnyachka experimental breeding station of the Institute of biopower crops and sugar beet of NAAS of Ukraine. The materials for the research were 94 own selection created varieties with the involvement of varieties of different ecological and geographical origin, obtained from the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine.
 Results. The results of the study of newly created spring oats varieties in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine in the 2015—2018 validity for resistance to the pathogen of loose smut on an artificial infectious background are given. The total share of resistant forms of the disease was established: very high — resistant — 25.5%, high- resistant — 19.1%, resistant — 17.0%, vulnerable — 21.3%, susceptible — 16.0% and 1.1% — highly susceptible. Susceptible and highly susceptible specimen were discarded, while the vulnerable specimen were involved in the process of hybridization with resistant to sustainability.
 Conclusions. The differentiation of varieties of spring oats for resistance to loose smut was revealed. 58 varieties of spring oats with resistance to the pathogen of 9—6 points were detected. 22 varieties are selected, which combine resistance with high yields. 5 varieties have been created: Decameron, Darunok, Dietuchnui, Dioscurii and Denka, which are in the Register of plant varieties of Ukraine, and received the “The Certificate of registration of the sample of the gene pool of plants in Ukraine” on 5 lines of oat: 467-15, 445-1791, 399-38, 477-5 and 493-27, which can be used as donors of resistance to disease.


  • Ç îãëÿäó íà íåãàòèâí3 íàñë3äêè õ3ì3÷íèõ îáðîáîê ïîñ3â3â, ñåëåêö3þ íà 3ìóí3òåò ìîæíà ââàæàòè íàéá3ëüø åêîëîã3÷íî áåçïå÷íèì çàõîäîì çàõèñòó ðîñëèí â3ä õâîðîá

  • Äî ïåðåë3êó çðàçê3â, ùî âèâ÷àëèñü, óâ3éøëè ñîðòè òà ë3í3éíèé ìàòåð3àë, Карантин і захист рослин ISSN 2312-0614

  • Îö3íþâàëè ñîðòîçðàçêè íà ñò3éê3ñòü ïðîòè õâîðîáè çã3äíî ç âèìîãàìè «Ìåòîäû ñåëåêöèè è îöåíêè óñòîé÷èâîñòè ïøåíèöû è ÿ÷ìåíÿ ê áîëåçíÿì â ñòðàíàõ ÑÝ» (2008) [9]

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65—90 Високосприйнятливий

Дуже високосприйнятливий äëÿ ðîçâèòêó çáóäíèêà áóâ 2015 ð. Òîä ñïîñòåð3ãàëàñü âåëèêà ê3ëüê3ñòü îïàä3â (132,5—134,7% áàãàòîð3÷íî¿ íîðìè), äîñòàòíÿ âîëîã3ñòü ïîâ3òðÿ (94—100,2%) òà ï3äâèùåíà (íà +2,60Ñ) ñåðåäíüîäîáîâà òåìïåðàòóðà ïîâ3òðÿ, ùî ñïðèÿëî óðàæåííþ ðîñëèí ëåòþ÷îþ ñàæêîþ. Ñëàáêîñïðèéíÿòëèâèìè áóëè 6 ë3í3é ç óðàæåííÿì ðîñëèí äî 25% òà áàëîì ñò3éêîñò . Ï’ÿòü ñåëåêö3éíèõ ë3í3é — ñïðèéíÿòëèâèõ ôîðì (3 áàëè) áóëè âèêëþ÷åí3 3ç âèïðîáóâàííÿ 3 öå äàëî çìîãó âåñòè æîðñòêå áðàêóâàííÿ ìàòåð3àë3â íà ñò3éê3ñòü ïðîòè õâîðîáè. Ó çîí ïðîâåäåííÿ äîñë3äæåíü òàêîæ âèÿâèëèñü ñïðèÿòëèâèìè äëÿ ðîçâèòêó â3âñà ÿðîãî. ×àñò îïàäè â ÷åðâí ìì (147,9% íîðìè), âèñîêà â3äíîñíà âîëîã3ñòü ïîâ3òðÿ (110,6%) òà òåìïåðàòóðà +20,0°Ñ, ùî íà 2,9° âèùå íîðìè, ïðèçâåëè äî ïîøèðåííÿ ëåòþ÷î¿ ñàæêè. Ñò3éê3ñòü ñîðò3â 3 ñîðòîçðàçê3â â3âñà ÿðîãî ïðîòè çáóäíèêà ëåòþ÷î¿ ñàæêè (Âåðõíÿöüêà ÄÑÑ 2ÁÊ3ÖÁ ÍÀÀÍ, 2015—2018 ðð.)

10 Легінь
23 Дієтичний 24 Авгол
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