
The COHMAG report of the National Academy of Sciences provides an assessment of high field magnet science and technology in the United States, and identifies possible new initiatives for future high field magnets. Regarding NMR, the report identifies high resolution NMR spectrometers in the range of 30 T/1.3 GHz as having great scientific interest. This paper discusses technology issues associated with 30 T superconducting magnets. The enabling technology is HTS conductors and coil technology. Significant issues remain for application of HTS conductors to large coils, including long length quality, heat treatment, anisotropy and strain dependence. The outer LTS coil sections are large, with high stress and stored energy. Structural issues, including high strength conductor and reinforcement, and quench protection issues are significant. The status of technology required for a 30 T NMR magnet is examined. A preliminary conceptual design of the 30 T magnet is presented

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